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Location: Walnut Creek, CA
Birthdate: June 15, 1980   
Onset/Diagnosis: onset- 1) August, 1990 2) December, 1999     Diagnosis- March 8, 2000
Other Health Conditions: none
Surgeris due to Still's: none yet
Current Meds: Prednisone - 40 mg; Methotrexate - 7.5 mg, Floric Acid, Vitamin D, Daily Supliment
Occupation:  College Student
Family: Father, Henri; Mother, Louise; Brother, Fred; Dog, Fabrice
Favorite Activities: Shopping, Reading, Partying, Doing what any normal girl my age likes to do, including being me and enjoying my life!


  Braden J. Allen


Location: Longview TX

Birthdate:  9-25-98

Date of Onset/Diagnosis:  In theory, onset was at birth.  First bad episode was 9-20-99.  Didn't sit-up until he was 10 months or walk until he was 16 months.

Other Health Conditions: Preemie with some bronchial difficulties.

Surgeries due to Still's: None

Current Meds: Motrin - 1 tsp/6 hours, round the clock.  Foot and ankle massages, love and devotion.

Occupation: toddler

Family:  Daddy, Momma, & sister, Taryn (6-11-96)

Favorite Activities:    Used to not do anything but lay on the floor and cry, howl, or scream.  Since treatments have started in March 2000, he plays and laughs.  His gait is still not normal, but at least he's walking now!


Kim Carlson-Murray


Location: Schaghticoke, New York

Birthdate: 04/22/64

Year of Diagnosis or Onset: 1981

Other diseases/health problems: None

Surgeries as a result of Still's: Thoractic surgery to relieve paracarditis

Current Medications: None, in remission since 1991 :-)

Occupation: Graphic Designer

Family:  Married with twin (5 year old) boys

Favorite Activities: creative stuff: sewing, drawing, painting, playing w/ my kids

Steve Urban


Location:  Newport News,   VA

Birthdate:  Oct 29, 1962

Date of Onset/Diagnosis:  July 1995

Other Health Conditions:  Anemia

Surgeris due to Still's:  none

Current Meds:  Prednisone, Plaquenil, methotrexate, folic acid, imuran, naproxyn, calcium

Occupation:  Early Retirement from the Military

Family:  Married to a witch (pagan), 7 year old daughter, 1 cat

Favorite Activities:  camping, gardening, hunting, reading, writing


Becky Reeves


Location:  Dallas, TX

Birthdate: Sept 5, 1971

Date of Onset:  May 1999

Other Health Conditions:  None

Surgeries due to Still's:  None

Current Medications:  Prednisone 40mg, Celebrex 200mg, Codiene, Precodan As Needed for Pain( Currently 3 times a day) Prevacid As Needed,  Ambien As Needed for sleep

Occupation:  Administrative Manager

Family:  Single,  Boyfriend for 5 yrs, 2 dogs-Shibu Inu 4 yrs, Border Collie, no kids

Favorite Activities: Traveling, jet skiing, NOT BEING IN PAIN!!!!!

Rhonda Gale Creely

Location: Greenville, Mississippi
Birthdate: November 27, 1956
Year of Diagnosis: 1994
Other health conditions: ocular migraines
Surgeries related to Stills: none
Current Medications: Plaquinil, Vioxx, Imuran, Maxalt(as needed for migraines) Glucosamine/Chondroitin, Vitamin E, Folic Acid,
Family: I am divorced. One son who lives with me
Favorite thing: RAINBOWS!  I love them!! They are so full of hope and promise.
Favorite saying: "To enjoy the beauty of a rainbow, you have to first put up with some rain!"

Deb Bartl


Location: Fayetteville, PA

Birthdate: 09-16-59

Date of Onset/Diagnosis: AprilMay 1999

Other Health Conditions: Hypothyroidism, endometriosis

Surgeris due to Still's: none yet maybe a lymph node
biopsy  in the next few weeks 

Current Meds: Prednisone - 40 mg; arthrotec 2xday,
aracept for the itching with the rash, levoxyl .125mg
per day (thyroid) zoloft 100mg per day.

Occupation: artist, library technician, photographer

Family: husband, one daughter, one dog, one cat 

Favorite Activities: used to be rollerblading
mountainbiking anything physical, now i am happy to
have the energy for a daily walk, would like to be
able to exercise but i am still too sick.  

would love to hear from others who suffer with this
disease, it can be very lonely suffering from this,
not too many people have ever heard of this disease,
nor do many people have the patience for it.

Cathy Ledsome


Location:  Plano, TX
Birthdate:  October 6, 1971
Onset/Diagnosis:  Onset - March, 1997             Diagnosis - October, 1997
Surgeries due to Still's Disease:  Left hip replacement - June, 1999     Right hip replacement - December, 1999
Current Medication:  Methotrexate 22.5 mg, Prednisone 7.5 mg, Plaquenil 200 mg 2/day, Naprelan 500 mg 2/day, Prilosec, Vitamin E, Oscal w/ Vit. D, One A Day, Folic Acid 1 mg, & Slow FE
Occupation:  Second Grade Teacher
Family:  Husband, Mike;  Mother, Cathy (also); Father, Jim;  Brother, Jimmy; and Dalmatian, Shelby
Favorite Activities:  Shopping, Reading, Swimming, Sharing time with family and friends


Lisa R.


Location:      Houston, Texas

Birthdate:      4/6/66

Date of Onset/Diagnosis:    Onset  4/6/98   Diagnosis - 10/22/98

Other Illnesses/Health Conditions:    None

Any Surgeries as a result of Stills:     None

Current Medications:   High dose Aspirin Therapy   Prednisone, , Celebrex, Plaquneil, Prevacid, Elavil, Folic Acid, Calcium w/ Vitamin D, Vicodin (as needed)

Occupation:     Sales

Family:      Single
Favorite Activities:    Travel, Antiquing/Junkin', movies..movies and more
movies, nice dinners out. Working out was my favorite until I became ill.  It WILL be my favorite AGAIN!  :-)

Christina Foster


Location: Otisville, NY (about 70 miles North of NYC)

Birthdate:   June 10, 1970

Date of Onset/Diagnosis:  11/97

Other Health Conditions:  RA, colitis, diverticulosis, high blood pressure, vertigo

Surgeris due to Still's:  none (yet )

Current Meds: Enbrel, Medrol, prednisone, plaquenil, tenormin, and calcium 

Occupation:  Administrative/Management in Local Service Provisioning for local telecommunications company.

Family: 2 sons, Sean & Nicky.  2 cats Snickers and Missy

Favorite Activities:  arts & crafts, painting, reading.  I used to be in the volunteer ambulance corps as an EMT (can't do that anymore), but I still like to keep up on medical knowledge/first aid/etc.


Shannon E. Wagstaff

Location: Parma, Idaho
Date of Onset/Diagnosis: Onset--August 27, 1999, Diagnosis--October 12,1999
Other Health Conditions: None
Surgery due to Still's: None (yet)
Current Meds: 3,900mg Aspirin, 60mg Prednisone325mg Iron, Multi-Vitamins, 20mg Prilosec, 2.5mg Ambian (sleeping pill)
Occupation: Housewife
Family: Dan, Husband of 9 years, Son Ivan 7, Daughter Nikki 5, Daughter Laura 3
Favorite Activities: Crochet and being with my family and my mom and dad

James Hamby

 ALDRICH, MO. 65601

diagnosed - 1-7-1999 stills disease age 45
DOB 7-16- 53
occupation - 100 disabled
family - married 26 years , 2 daughters
medicines - methotrexate- 70 units, predisone 5mg, quinine, vicodine, celebrate 400 mg, vitamin, prilosec  
 when i was first diagnosed they took 900 cc of blood off around my heart, my white blood count was extremely high, which in turn had to give me blood to get the red blood count up. the pain was unbelievable. i don't feel i have ever been in remission. everytime they tried to take me off the medicine i'm right back in the hospital. the newest thing happening is i have lost the half of my eyesight  in both eyes. first it was the right eye and now the left. the eye specialist doesn't know much about this disease either. he thinks i had a light stroke. i don't think i have. everything I've read correction everything my wifes read points to the medicines. with my eyesight the way it is its even difficult to drive or anything.  we are after any info that can help us beat this thing. we are afraid of whats going to happen next. the doctor told us only 6 percent of stills patients are affected with heart paricartis and blood count problems. this didn't make us feel better. please if there is anyone out there that can make a difference please e-mail us.
James & sandy hamby

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