Susan Matera
Susan Matera a/k/a Sue #2
e-mail address
location: 240 Kenwood Estates
Griswold, CT 06351
Birthday: June 29th
Year of Onset of Stills or diagnosis: I think the
onset started around winter of 1995
Diagnosis: Winter of 2000
Other Health Problems: Fibromyligia
Meds: currently I am taking prednisone,
Zoloft, colchicine, celebrex, antitriptylene
Surgeries due to Stills: I haven't had
any surgeries after being diagnosed, but I
feel that my hysterectomy and 12 bladder
surgeries have triggered off my Stills.
Occupation: I am an owner and partner in
a family business. We own a small shopping
center in Norwich, CT and we have a large
Retail store. I have worked with my father
for 22 years and I wouldn't change it for
Family: I have two incredible parents,
Joe & Lois. They support me very much
and they are always there for me. I couldn't
be blessed with better parents. I also have
a brother named Michael who lives near me
as well. As for my family..I have three
beautiful boys..Joshua, Zachary and King
Kong...our Great Dane! My boys are very
supportive and understanding of my Stills.
Hobbies: I think when I was younger, I had
more hobbies, and I felt better. I used to
ride horses all the time and grew up with them.
I miss it very much, but my Stills prevents me
from riding. I love to garden or just work in
my yard. The neighborhood calls me
"THE LAWN RANGER". I also like my quiet
times. I like to walk and just enjoy quiet
evenings at home with my children. Sunday
is a "family" day for me and it's my favorite
day of the week.
Caroline Robinson
Caroline and her husband James Email: blacklionent@yahoo.net Yahoo ID: blacklionent AOL IM ID: (my husbands, he will reply too) jrobin1962 Location: Medford OR Birth date: August 8, 1957 Date of Onset: Diagnosed finally with ASOD late October 2001, but suspected onset is much eartlier Other Health Conditions: MAJOR: Adult Stills Disease, Diabetes, Diverticuli disease, Fibromyalgia, Krukenburg Spindle Syndrome, Migraines, Necrobiosis Lipoidica, Neuropathy, Empty Cella Syndrome, Splenomengaly, Uterine Fibroids, Valvular Heart Disease MINOR: Astigmatism, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cat Scratch Fever (resolved), Cytomeglavirus, Disbiosis, Epicondilitis (Tennis Elbow), Epstein Barr Syndrome (Resolved) Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Hyatal Hernia, Kidney / Liver stress, Tendonitis, TMJ. Persisting Symptoms: Chronic Fatigue, Fevers over 100* daily, daily major headaches, muscle joint and body pain, swollen glands (5 years and counting), difficulty sleeping, crashing endocrine system, and acute environmental sensitivities. (Boy! THAT was depressing!!! Majority of illnesses diagnosed this year, and in alphabetical order) Current Medications: Avandia, Prandin, Trazadone, Salsalate, Prednisone, Methotrexate, Homocysteine Balance (which includes B vitamins and 1MG of Folic Acid), Cal Mag Citrate, Vitamin D, and lots of Chinese Medicinal Herbs most would not identify with, but email me and I will give you more information. Occupation: By trade- Internet Administrator and Marketing Research. Currently unemployed (as of 12/01/01) Family: Married 02/14/87 to James J Robinson, a wonderful, kind, supportive man. I have 3 birth children. Amber LaShondra – Born 05/04/1977, Evan Gabriel – Born 03/30/84 and Kamari AnNisha – Born 12/29/89. Amber made us Grandparents on 08/01/01 to a baby girl – Macy Jay. She was named after her father, Matthew Jay. (Macy means “from Matthews Estate”) I have had 3 foster children in addition to my own, Eric, Amanda and Matthew (different Matthew than the son in law) I have 13 siblings, most of which live in the Eastern part of the country. I was born in WV and raised all over the USA. Favorite Activities: I like writing, arts and crafts, a good movie or book, music, family time and helping others. I also like photography, and am a makeup artist. (I do faces! *Smile*) I am building a web site called … (oops! Can’t tell you, its not ready yet!)
Jennifer Jay
Email: gobulldawgs@comcast.net Location: Wilmington Island ( Savannah), Georgia Birthdate: Feb 10, 1971 Year of Diagnosis/Onset: Onset in Sept of 89, Diagnosed in Sept of 90 Other diseases/health conditions: Fibromyalgia, hypoglycemia, Surgeries as a result of Still's: Hip replacement in 93, 2 Revisions in 98 Current Medications: Enbrel, Zoloft and desiprimine for the fibromyalgia, Darvocet as needed for pain. Occupation: I work for Air Tran Airlines Family: Wonderful Husband, Marcial.. 1 Golden Retriever, 1 cat Favorite Activities: Being with my husband and my dogs, riding four wheelers, riding horses when I can, walking on the beach, Reading, Wolves, medical research **In Memory of Kodi** I miss him dearly November, 2000
Kodi and Rocky in their Pool Our last picture of Kodi, September 2000 June 1998
Nicole Pucillo E-Mail: Graphsfan@hotmail.com
Location: Millis, MA
Birthday: Nov. 14, 1981
Year of onset or diagnosis: Sept. 2001
Other health problems: humm...just this
Medications: None
Surgeries due to stills: Future knee replacements
Occupation: Full time college student studying
Marine Biology and Oceanography
Family: I live with my wonderful mom. I also
have an amazing and understanding boyfriend.
Hobbies: Walking in the park, spending time with
those I love, Lving each day as well as I can, and then there's the things
i am working on ...tennis, horesback riding, and scuba diving. (ha ha)
Tom Kufahl Founder of our Group Email : tkufahl@charter.net Location: Wausau, Wisconsin Birthdate: Date of Onset: Diagnosis is 92 but suspected much earlier Other Health Conditions: Current Medications: Occupation: Family: Favorite Activities: Aaron Nelson
Aaron's Cool Mustang!!!!!!!
Email Aaron@arthritisinsight.com Location:Kalispell MT Birthdate:5/3/74 Date of Onset/Diagnosis:April of 84 Surgeries due to Still's: Left Hip tissue release,Right hip replacement, Both knees replaced also many muscle releases. one revision done in Jan of 99 right knee. October 19 2000, Left elbow replacement. Current Meds:Imuran, Celexa, Cyclobenzaprine, Vicodin. Occupation: Family:single Favorite Activities: Working on my websites, being with friends, Working on my 1966 Ford Mustang My webpages:
Aaron Nelson
JRA World/Arthritis Insight http://jraworld.arthritisinsight.com Check out my personal website http://www.geocities.com/acnelson24 The World is getting smaller
all the time-
Finicia Murray Compton Location:
Pikeville, Kentucky Email: compton@kymtnnet.org Richard Schwartz Email: richard@lsa.co.uk
Kathi McDavid Email: txav8r@flash.net Location:
Keller, Texas...Just north of Fort Worth Amanda Rose Herzog
Email: americk@olg.com Location:
St. Inigoes, Maryland Occupation:
3rd grade student as of 1999 (end of school year) Betsy Ashley Email: ashbet@northnet.org Location: Norwood.New York Occupation: Hairdresser
for 31 yrs- Beauty shop in my home Favorite Activities:
Hobbies are cooking- love new recipes, amanda yee
Email: yee.44@osu.edu Location:
columbus, OH If you would like to add your bio, send it to bios@stillsdisease.org |
DISCLAIMER: The materials and information on this server are intended for educational and informational purposes only. The materials and information are not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or professional medical services. You should consult your physician on specific medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, application medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within this website. Any information used from other websites was done so with permission from each site, with an exception to those of "public domain", whereas we believe any site without a cited reference was a "public domain site" and for our use. The International Still's Disease Foundation is a non-profit organization. This page was last updated on June 13, 2002 Copyright© 1999-2002 International Still's Disease Foundation