Keith Paetkau

My name is Tim Paetkau, my son Keith is ten years old. He started getting noticeably sick the last week of September 2001. He was complaining of sore joints  for a couple of months earlier. ( We past it on as growing pains ) Anyway we went through a number of doctors and specialist, and they at first though juvenile arthritis. ( Stills was mentioned ) This bout lasted six weeks. We treated this with Apo-Naproxen & Advil. I also started my son & family on Vitamins, plus my son on some Mannatech products. ( Ambrotose & Phy-Aloe ) All his symptoms got better after the six weeks. His joints still hurt here and there, but he was back playing soccer and going to school. ( Not fully healthy ) This lasted two months, and then he fell ill again with all the symptoms of stills except he would get really itchy, which he had the first time. He is still very sick. We are now treating him with Apo-hydrxzine 25ml. &Hydroxzine Hcl 25ml. for the itching. ( Which is not all the time ) He also still gets the Mannatech products, Advil and some Tylenol and the Apo- Naproxen. The new drugs are Plaquenil 200ml. Hydroxchloroquine 200 ml. and Methotrexate 50mg/2ml INJ W PR 25g/ml. Methotrexate DBU 25mg/ml vial. Dose 0.3ml ( 7.5mg ) under the skin once a week. Our specialist says they have had really good success with this combination.From long remissions to never coming back. There is only one specialist in our city ( Calgary Alberta Canada ) So I am interested in other stories and treatments. I will also keep this up to date as to how this goes.

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