Our Mission Statement The purpose of the International Still's Disease Foundation is to: Provide support to those who suffer from Still's Disease
Encourage and facilitate communication between Still's Since we are a non-profit organization we rely solely on donations. If you would like to make a donation to the Foundation please contact Bob Himes The Executive Board Members Founder and Chairman of the Board: Tom Kufahl- tkufahl@pcpros.net
retired from the teaching profession, Tom created the Stills Disease Mailing
List that has brought us all together. Tom is the glue that Carole Whaley - Catwhaley@shaw.ca
Legally named Carole Triller-Whaley, but usually goes by Cat (there are so many
Carole's on our list, this makes it one less to be confused about..lol ) She
lives in Summerland, BC, Canada. 1st Vice President: Beth Gilleland- EG4@aol.com I was
diagnosed with Stills nine and a half years ago. I have been a high school
teacher for 12 years in Houston Tx.- a job which I love! I enjoyed a wonderful
5 year remission and look forward to that again very soon! In spite of Stills I
was fortunate enough to complete my masters 2nd Vice President: Connie Hart harley09534@aol.com the treasurer for the foundation. She was diagnosed with AOSD in 1989 after being ill since the end of 1987. Her goal is for to continue to learn about this disease and keeps educating others what we go thru.
Secretary/Treasurer Bob Himes oldgoat378@knology.net Bob & Carole Himes are retired and live in Panama City, FL. They have been associated with the Stills Disease through their Daughter Michele (Shelly) who was diagnosed with Stills in 1993. In 1998 Bob learned about our web site and joined the list to provide all the information to Shelly who didn't have a computer. On 31 Jan 1999, Shelly passed away from complications of respiratory infections due to her lowered immune system due to Stills. Bob & Carole decided to stay with the Stills group and made them part of their family to help any & all persons with Stills. They really Love their Stills Family! Directors: Jennifer Jay gobulldawgs@comcast.netJennifer is 31 and lives on Wilmington Island just outside of Savannah Georgia. She is our webmaster and researcher. Her husband is in the Army and is a Chinook helicopter pilot. She works at Air Tran Airlines and she will be attending nursing school this summer
Kate is 26, and lives in Largo, FL. She was diagnosed with Still's at 17, and has e been in remission for 7 years. Despite Stills, she graduated first in her class, and attended North Central College in Naperville, IL on half scholastic scholarship. I graduated with a BA in Organizational Communications, June 95. I am now starting my own business making and selling buckwheat hull pillows for people, pets and special needs... Oh yeah, I have been a member of the group since 95! other Directors:
Joyce Irving=
airvin406@aol.com, Public
Relations/ Drug Company Contacts,
Still's Disease Foundation Inc. Fax 850-871-6656 |
DISCLAIMER: The materials and information on this server are intended for educational and informational purposes only. The materials and information are not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or professional medical services. You should consult your physician on specific medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, application medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within this website. Any information used from other websites was done so with permission from each site, with an exception to those of "public domain", whereas we believe any site without a cited reference was a "public domain site" and for our use. The International Still's Disease Foundation is a non-profit organization. This page was last updated on June 13, 2002 Copyright© 1999-2002 International Still's Disease Foundation