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Location:      GLENSIDE, PA

Birthdate:      05/17/63

Year of Diagnosis or Onset: 1990---BUT DIAGNOSED AT A LATER DATE


Surgeries as a result of Still's:
Technically, I had abdominal surgery when lymph nodes looked enlarged from 5 years earlier.  Apparently, they may (or may not) have enlarged as a result of  the Still's)--Fortunately, that was the result, and not anything more tragic.

right now. During a flare, prednisone is my miracle drug--- 800 MGS OF IBUBROFIN ARE MY HEADACHE MiRACLE DRUG.

Occupation:  Employee Benefits

Family  Married with two chikdren,
Lauren (13 1/2) and Allyson (6)

Hobbies or Favorite Activities:  Relaxing, and spending time with the family

               Barbara Gardner


Location:  Ventura, California

Birthdate:  10-25-58

Year of Diagnosis or Onset:  1988

Other diseases/health problems:   Systemic Vasculitis, Epilepsy, herniated discs at C4-7 & L4-S1, polyneuritis, Fibromyalgia, asthma, hypertension, history of duodenal ulcers,history of left parietal stroke on 6-21-96

Surgeries as a result of Still's:  none

Current Medications:  Enbrel injections, Imuran, Neurontin, Tegretol XR, Klonopin, Lozol, Lipitor, Singulair, Azmacort, pain medication Used in nebulizer:  albuterol & Atrovent

Occupation:  disabled Registered Nurse

Family    Husband of 13 years, been together 17. Two daughters, a stepdaughter, and stepson.  All out of the nest. Pets:  Ted - Border Collie, Sammy - Lhasa Apso, and a few spiders here and there, but they don't have names and I wouldn't call them pets.
Ghost:  Ernest.  Previous owner of our house.  He's a good guy, but I wish he'd stop messing with the hall light.

Hobbies or Favorite Activities:  the best thing was working out, something I can no longer do.  I'm homebound so I enjoy my computer, shopping, helping others any way possible, shopping, family, shopping, reading, shopping, meditation, traveling, movies, and I like shopping.

              Ryan Catherman   

Cat on icq and Tooth03 on aol

Location: Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina

Birthdate: 9/4/77

Year of Diagnosis or Onset: Fall 96

Current Medications: Prednisone and Methotrexate

Occupation: Full time student at Penn State and part time waiter at a local diner.

Family: my hamsters died

Hobbies or Favorite Activities:
exercising to offset the effects.  my computer.  fixing things.  would love to get back to playing volleyball.
my homepage is at
it includes a history of my still's among other things.



Location:  Pennsylvania

Birthdate:  1970

Year of Diagnosis or Onset:  Onset 1990 / Diagnosis 1991

Other diseases/health problems:    Chronic migraines that began same time as Stills

Surgeries as a result of Still's :    None yet

Current Medications:  Prednisone, Plaquenil, NSAIDs, Zantac

Occupation:  Part-Time Secretary

Family  (i.e. marital status, kids, pets....)  Married

Hobbies or Favorite Activities:  Gardening, Cross-Stitch

             Kate Brawner


Location: FL, USA

Birthdate: 5-30-73

Year of Diagnosis or Onset:  Diagnosis was in October 1990, but doctors suspect I had it through childhood.

Other diseases/health problems:    Reoccurring and possibly misdiagnosed incidents of CMV throughout childhood.

Surgeries as a result of Still's:  none

Current Medications:  None -- I am gratefully in long term remission

Occupation:  At home right now ... chosen line of work, fundraising

Family    My SO (significant other) whom I have lived with for 4 years, and am trying to make into my husband, Jack

Hobbies or Favorite Activities: Needlepoint, reading nonfiction, talking politics, and surfing the web!

                Jennifer Behan

Location:  Garnerville, New York

Birthdate:  6/18/63

Year of Diagnosis or Onset:  9/1995 (onset)

Other diseases/health problems:    None

Surgeries as a result of Still's:   None, other than a few biopsies

Current Medications:  None (I'm in remission since approx. 6/96)

Occupation:  Legal Secretary

Family:    Divorced, 2 children

Hobbies or Favorite Activities:  Water sports: boating, swimming, scuba. Motorcycles.  Travel.

               Paula Johnson

Location:  Minneapolis, MN

Birthdate:  3/8/61

Year of Diagnosis or Onset:  Onset Spring of 97, Diagnosis Spring of 98

Other diseases/health problems:  Fibrolyalgia

Surgeries as a result of Still's:

Current Medications:  Prednisone, Methothotrexate, Folic Acid, Oxycotin, Prozac

Occupation:  Administrative Assistant

Yvsa G.

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Location:  Anchorage, AK

Birthdate:  5/27/67

Year of Diagnosis or Onset:  Systemic Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, 1979, age 12.
Symptoms on Onset:  Daily fevers of 105, itchy rash that moved arround my body, pericarditis, pluerisy, Arthritis in hands, wrists, fingers, feet, ankles, toes, knees, elbows, shoulders and neck, swollen lymph nodes, extreme fatigue, extreme anemia, no appetite and drastic weight loss.
Current symptoms:  Chronic destructive Arthritis, severe joint damage in feet and hands, other joint damage, chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, Sjogrens Disease, IBS, sleep disorder, swollen lymph nodes, mild rash and fevers on and off. 
Other diseases/health problems:  Blood platelet count dropped to 2,000. (Almost died) Fibromyalgia, Sjogrens Disease, IBS and Corpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Occupation:  Computer Support Technician II, Computer Software/Hardware Demonstration Specialist and a Computer Manufacture/Merchandising Representative.

I am also always working on starting my own internet business. It is my dream that hopefully one day will come true.

Current Medications:  Plaquenil, Enbrel and various other meds to combat other diseases and symptoms that I have.

Hobbies:  Reading, writing, learning, working on my dream (my own internet business) and spending time with my wonderful family.



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Location:  California

Birthdate: 1976

Date of Onset/ Diagnosis:  Onset 5/95, Diagnosis 6/99.

Other illnesses or Health Conditions:  Hypothyroidism and Allergies

Any Surgeries as a result of Stills: none

Current Medications:  Predisone, Indocine, Plaquinil, Atarax, Prilosac,
Cytomel, and Levothyroxine.  I'm currently in a flare so hopefully I'll be
off most of them soon :)

Occupation:  College Student

Family:  Currently single but I have a very supportive family made up of my
mom, dad and younger brother.

Favorite Activities:  Hiking (when possible), photography, swimming, water
aerobics, cuddling with my kitty, church, researching the internet, web page
making, and going to the movies.

Shelly Palmer


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location:  Branson, MO

DOB:  11-28-71

Onset:  June 1998

Other Problems:  Fibromyalgia

Surgeries:  Bone Marrow Aspiration and Lymph Node Biopsy

Current Meds:  Prednisone, Methotrexate, Enbrel, Leucovorin, Prevacid,
Flexoril, Darvocet, Arthrotec, Calcium and Folic Acid Supplements

Occupation:  General Manager for a Graphic Arts Company

Family:  Husband and 5 year old daughter, Anna

Favorite Activities:  Used to be water skiing, mountain biking, hiking,
weight lifting and most of all...Basketball.  Now things have changed quite a bit in the last year, and these activities have been out of the question, so I do a lot of gardening.  I enjoy being outdoors as much as possible.

          Christopher  Stilwell


location:  Phoenix, AZ

DOB: 9/13/67

Onset:  15yrs old/ Diagnosed: 11/98

Other iliness: still under diagnosis

Any surgeries:  No

Current Meds:  Prednisone (30mg per day) & Azulfadine ( 2000 mg per day)

Occupation: Project Manager/ Voice & Data Communications

Family:  Wife Rebekah , Kids Morgan age 13, Ashley age 11 & Collin age 6.3 Dogs.

Favorite Activities:  Fishing, Fishing & more Fishing..... & spending time
with my family..

More Bio's Page 4


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