Carole Kupersmith Email: Worcspubl@aol.com
Hobbies or Favorite
Activities: Love movies, the water - swimming and the Jane Mulloy Email: rmulloy@tiac.net Location:
Ipswich, Massachusetts Birthdate: May 7,
1958 Year of Onset:
1998, Diagnosis: 1999 Other Diseases/Health
Problems: Previously diagnosed 11 years ago as Surgeries as a result
of Still's: none Current Medications:
Methotrexate, Prednisone, Folic Acid, Tagamet, Occupation:
Customer Service - Telecommunications company Family: Husband -
Bob, 4 year old daughter - Casey Hobbies: Decorative painting, golf, walking, reading
Nicholas Kroft Email:
lkroft@junction.net Occupation:growing up
Jackie Sparkes
Jackie's beautiful family Location:
Devon, England.
Simon Mitchell
Carol Brophy
Shelby Hartmann Email: RSNZ@aol.com Columbus, Ohio 01/24/64 Onset: 5/91, actual Still's diagnosis: 12/97 Other problems: various drug allergies Surgeries as a result of Still's: Total Knee Replacement Sept. 99, Current Meds: Enbrel, ibuprofen as needed Occupation: Registered Dietitian- though not currently working Family: Married 13 yrs, 2 sons (10 and 8) Activities: Gardening, Cooking, Cleveland Indians baseball fan Connie Hart Email: HARLEY0953@aol.com Location:Muncie IN Favorite Activities: riding motorcycles have own harley davidson 883
Kelly McCoy Email:
mccoyk@ozemail.com.au Having Still's Disease has changed my life so much over the past year and a half. Not only physically,but emotionally and psychologically. The relationships that I had with my family has only been strengthened by this challenging experience. I found out that the people that I thought were my real friends turned out to be superficial and selfish people. Others, that I least expected to so supportive have helped me so much during the long, tough and painful days have been sensational. I know know myself so much better than before the onset of Stills. I no longer take the same "crap" that people feel they can give me. I think that after everything I've been through over the past year I deserve a lot better, which has really helped me to be more assertive. I am however, more impatient with people, especially when they tell me that they are feeling sick and all they have is a runny nose!! I miss exercising the most. I use to be a gym junkie and go running of an evening, dancing till 3 in the morning wasn't uncommon. I'm very optomistic about the future,
however, I have just come to realise that I am never going to make a full recovery and be
the same person I was 2 years ago. This has been a very difficult realisation but
with the help of everyone around me and this site I know I'll get there!
Patty Hackman Email: Hackwoman@aol.com Location: Scottsdale, Arizona Birthdate March 17, 1956 Onset: 1991- Age 34 No other illnesses No surgeries related to Still's Currnet Medications: Methotrexate 7.5mg per week, Motrin, Atarax as needed, prednisone when flaring Occupation: Counseling Psychologist Family: John, step-daughter Katie, 17 Favorite Activities: Travel, sewing, gourmet cooking, reading, pottery, art museums, swimming, bicycling And I have an excellent rheumatologist !!!
Joshua Elijah Forde
Email: gmckin@gte.net Location: Maui, Hawaii, USA Birthdate: April 5th, 1989 Year of Diagnosis or Onset: May, 1995 Other diseases/health problems: as a result of long term prednisone use, Josh has osteoporosis and growth retardation. Surgeries as a result of Still's: None yet. Hopefully, none will be needed! Current Medications: prednisone(30mgs daily), hydroxychloroquine(100/200alternating days), methotrexate(15mgs weekly), indomethacin(25mgs twice per day), cytotec(100mcgs twice per day), folic acid(1mg daily, except on day of MTX dose), miacalcin(1 squirt nasal spray per day), and calcium supplements(500mgs daily). Sometimes iron, too. Occupation: straight A student, soon finishing 4th grade. Family: lives with his Mom Georgina and 8 year old Sister Kayla, and their pet birds, guinea pig, geckoes and lots of tropical fish. Visits with Dad. Hobbies or Favorite Activities: drawing Japanese anime-type characters, playing video games, swimming and enjoying time at the beach, playing ukulele, marbles, computer games, caring for his pets, spending time with friends, browsing at the mall
C Carver Email: cc@carver.freeserve.co.uk
DISCLAIMER: The materials and information on this server are intended for educational and informational purposes only. The materials and information are not intended to replace the services of a trained health professional or to be a substitute for medical advice of physicians and/or other health care professionals. The International Still's Disease Foundation is not engaged in rendering medical or professional medical services. You should consult your physician on specific medical questions, particularly in matters requiring diagnosis or medical attention. The International Still's Disease Foundation makes no representations or warranties with respect to any treatment, action, application medication or preparation by any person following the information offered or provided within this website. Any information used from other websites was done so with permission from each site, with an exception to those of "public domain", whereas we believe any site without a cited reference was a "public domain site" and for our use. The International Still's Disease Foundation is a non-profit organization. This page was last updated on June 13, 2002 Copyright© 1999-2002 International Still's Disease Foundation