My name is Lesa Carr. I live in Holly
Pond, AL with my husband Ricky, and my 18 year old daughter Mary. I was
diagnosed with stills disease in 1984 just after my daughter's 1st birthday,
at that time I was 20 years old.
I was very active in high school sports
and also in summer sports. This diagnosis came as a sudden and shocking
to me and my family.
Over the past 19 years I have tried many
medicines, I am now taking Enbrel twice a week, darvocet and flexeril. I have
had both hips replaced ( they are wonderful), both knees replaced (sometimes
not so wonderful, but better than before), and some bones in my right ankle
have been fused. The Enbrel shots have worked very well. I have learned many
things from this disease, 1st is to take 1 day at a time. I have learned that
we don't really think about our health untill some of it is gone, and most of
all I have learned that God is with me through the good times and bad!
I would love to hear from someone who
also has Still"s Disease, I have never met anyone who has this disease.
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