Hi, my name is Lee and I am 22 years old. I got diagnosed with Stills when I was 17. It was in 97 the last week in July when I noticed that I had a rash covering a large part of the back of my leg. I just thought that I was just having an allergic reaction to something so I really didn't worry to much about it. By the time I got home the rash had gotten much larger. I put some cream on it and went on to bed. I didn't sleep very well that night. I remember feeling kinda achy all over. When I woke up the next morning I felt real bad. That's when I noticed that the rash was all over my body. My biggest concern at the time was going out in public looking like I did. Little did I know that what was happening to me at the time was going to change my life. I stayed at home all day and by that night I started having some joint pain in my wrist. By the next morning I couldn't move a muscle. I was in the most pain I have ever experienced. I was living with my uncle and his wife at the time so I tried to call for them but my throat was so sore it was hard. My uncle came in the room to see why I wasn't up, he saw me and said the he was taking me to the ER at the local hospital. To make a long story short the ER sent me back home and said I had acute Streep-throat. He even showed me to a couple of interns and made an example out of me. The only good thing that came out of that visit was a predisone shot and a five day pack of predisone. As I am sure you know that the predisone is a wonderful drug that can make you feel much better but actually helps you none. (Long-term I mean) I did of course start to feel better but in just a few days the predisone had started to ware off. I got a lot worse this time. My throat was so swollen that I couldn't eat or drink anything. I went back to the same ER and this time they sent me home and said I had a viral infection. That very night I was in so much pain that they took me to another ER. I was in the waiting room 5 min. before they had me in the back hooking me up to IV's and taking lots of blood. I was in that hospital for a week before that had any idea what was wrong with me. I was more scared than I have ever been before in my life. I had doctors left and right coming in to look at me. Well, I finally got diagnosed with this Stills disease and no one could tell me anything about it. So here I am 17 years old and diagnosed with this disease that I nor my doctors know anything about. They put me on 60 mg of predisone, 3,750 mg of Soliate and some other stuff (that just about killed me) a day. I missed half of my senior year because I had to be homebound. The disease had caused my liver to become enlarged. I then ended up with pleuracey (?) and an infection in the lining of my stomach. I was on the Predisone for nine months and the rest of the medicines for about a year and a half. The doctors said it was in remission and probably wouldn't come back. Well, they were wrong. It did and I am fighting with it now. I have felt very alone in this because no one seems to have ever heard of "Stills disease". I was very amazed that I even found such a web site. It would be nice to talk to someone that knows how it feels. |
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