
Hi, my name is Patriicia aka Pattymelt.
I was born in 1958 and was very healthy as a child except for a couple of things.  These were overactive lymph glands, sun rash and fever blisters on my mouth as a teenager.  In 1977 I suddenly had symptoms of pneumonia without the signs on my ex-rays.  A bit later I also had an inflammation episode at an old injury site in my foot.  The doctors diagnosed it as bursitis.  Later the next year I displayed symptoms of extreme flue with swollen glands, muscle pain, fevers that came and went as well as the rash.  Within one week my knees were swollen the size of softballs and I could not even lift my head from the pillow without assistance.  I was referred to an internist and hospitalized 3 times within the first 6 mo. with fevers spiking to 105, averaging 102, and joints freezing in position.  At times I could not even feed myself.  My doctors were very diligent in my care; making sure I got physical therapy, occupational therapy, and anything else to keep me from being crippled.  The doctors also stressed the importance of rest and quiet.
The first year and a half was the worst.  My main medications were Prednisone (60mg) daily and a host of other drugs that go along with treating the side affects of the disease as well as the medications.  By the second year I was weaned off the Prednisone with a new drug at that time called D. Penacillamine(Cupramine).
As I felt better, because of the medicines hiding the effects of the disease, I was increasingly active.  I lost my self-consciousness about dancing and went back to playing sports such as volleyball and baseball on weekends.  Soon my hips were deteriorated.  I had no idea this could happen.  I spent the next 4 years in therapy 3 times a week, using a cane and arm crutches while I waited for UCLA medical center to get the approval to start using new hip implants without cement (especially for someone as young as myself.  I was 27 I believe.)  When I did have the hip replacements I had them both in the same year.  They are extremely successful.  Since then I have also had my right knee replaced.
Today I am in remission overall with joint damage primarily to my wrists and neck.  I have occasional fevers and several other health problems but this disease has never been as active as the early years.  Today my primary arthritis medicine is Celebrex.
I hope this is some information and inspiration to others.  Thank you for your interest.  Till soon, Melt       This history was recorded October 26, 2001.

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