Hello. My name is Amy
Barrett. I was diagnosed with aosd in the summer of 1992. We had just
returned from an extremely stressful few months in Florida and within 6 days I
was in the hospital.
My illness began with a
stiff neck and fever. Over the next few days, I noticed a rash spreading
across my body. I was nauseous and extremely thirsty. My joints began to
ache horribly and my body ballooned because my kidneys had shut down. By the
time I woke up on the sixth day, I could hardly move, but I was so thirsty I
drug myself up the stairs because I had to get a glass of water. I
dropped the glass as I tried to get a drink, this noise woke my mother up and
she found me bent over the sink with tears streaming down my face. I told her
I felt like I was dying and needed to go to the hospital. She put me in her
bed and we waited about an hour for my husband and father to get home. My
father thought I was exagerating until he lifted my fingers off a pillow and
tears ran down my face.
I got to the emergency room
around 10:00a.m. and had so many doctors around me and so many tests done that
it is hard to remember everything. I know they did a spinal tap, a barage of
blood tests, took biopsies from my bicep and thigh, did a pelvic and took
pictures of the rash.
During my 18 day
hospitalization I experienced the following. Recurrent high fevers which
spiked at night, my kidneys shut down and I retained over 20 pounds of fluid,
my spleen was swollen, my liver went crazy(bilirubin above 14), I had fluid
around my lungs and a tear in my esophogus because it had gotten so dry. They
put me on massive doses of antibiotics and steroids as well as lasix and
restricted my fluid intake. I was on so much morphine for the first week that
I only remember glimpses of my family in my room. I was unable to eat because
if I swallowed anything it felt like a punch in the chest due to my esophogeal
tear. I spent my 22nd birthday in the hospital. My mom, grandma, and aunt
brought my kids(3and1) to see me in the waiting room for 15 minutes.
I began to get better after
about two weeks. That is about the time a Rheumatology Resident told me they
thought I had aosd. I went home 50 pounds lighter and still suffering from
joint pain. I went to the Rheumatology clinic once a week for about two and a
half months after that. During that time my hair began to fall out. I lost
3/4 of it before I just went ahead and shaved the rest and got a wig. They
said it was from the high fevers and antibiotics.
After several months all
symptoms were gone except for very rare mild joint pain. That is until last
march. I started getting fatigued easily and could not walk very far without
severe back and hip pain. My symptoms usually last for several weeks and then
go away for saeveral more. My latest flare has lasted about two weeks so far.
I get scared sometimes.
For several days I've had a sore throat, intermitent fever, a rash that went
away,but I'm still itching and joint and muscular pain. When I woke up
yesterday my hands and feet were swollen and they were worse today. I can't
get my rings off or my usual shoes on. My husband doesn't understand why I
let it upset me, but I can't help it. I'm afraid of another full-blown flare
up. We don't have insurance right now so I'm faced with going and applying
for a medical card. Keep me in your prayers.
Amy Barrett
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