Let me start by giving a
big smile to you all.
Hi! My name is Nuno Fernando
Marques Monteiro Dias Mendes ( quite big, hey?), but you can call me
Nuno or as my friends do "Nunito".
I was born at 31 of August in
1971, in my hometown Coimbra. That is saying that im from Portugal ( you know!
Brasil, Spices, Vasco da Gama...) and also a Virgo by sign and nature ;)
My story begins when i was 16
months old and i start complaining about my left knee. At this point i must
explain that i was lucky to be born in a family that almost all in the Health
Career, my mother is a nurse, my father was a blood technician.
Therefore, when i started to
complain about my knee, my parents realised that it was swollen and red, and
took me to my pediatrician (I must say that for me the memories of those times
are mainly of the pains, so this part of the story its "hear say"), after all
the analisys made it was obvious that it was some kind of poly-articular
rheumathism, after the knee, the pains and swellings started to appear in
almost all the articulations, which made impossible for me to get out of bed
during many of my childhood days.
The medication that was given
to me was corticosteroids and an anti-inflamtory (AAS), that made the pains
At 5 years old i had "miezelpops"?!
(Sarampo) and believe it or not, the swellings and the pains disapeared, even
without the medication. But that didnt last for long, im afraid, after one
year it all came back. At that time my Pediatrician send me to Barcelona to
see a doctor that was testing with Hydroxychloroquine Gold, hoping that i
would leave the heavy doses of cortisone, but i did an allergic reaction and
almost died, so i had to keep up with the medication as before.
Cutting this story short, i
kept up with this all, untill i was 15. By then the Univesity Hospital of
Coimbra (HUC), started appointments of Rheumathology, what was a blessing i
must say, cause they took the cortisone, and replaced it by Salazopyrin and
Naproxen with great results (i only wish it was sooner, cause by then
ostheoporosis had taken all my joints, but as i usually say, one must not live
on "if's").
Until 2 years ago, February of
1998, i was well, with no major pains, started working after my college degree
in economics, and all went fine, but all of the sudden i started to feel my
throat sweeling, but took it as a normal flew and took some antibiotics, but
it didnt get better, and was worst at afternoons, after 2 weeks like this, i
decide to go to my MD, and as soon as she saw me, she put me in the HUC for
By that time a rash started to
appear, something that never happenned before, and the temperatures were near
the 42º C.By then it was the first time i've heard of Still's
I was in hospital for 1 month,
with high doses of Medrol and Naprozyn, but at the end of the Summer 1998 i
was out of Medrol and back to Salazopyrin and Naprozyn. Feeling well, i
started to work again, but in October i took a fall and hurt my old left knee,
and after a few months of pains and different advices, i went to Barcelona
again to see a knee specialist (mostly in cases of RA). After what he saw he
told me that i needed to replace both my hips and knees.
At April 2000 i done my first
hip replacement, and now im waiting for the following surgerys, and i only
have pains in that knee.
Through this 27 years of
illness, i've got to thank my family and all my friends for their support, and
only have one advice to give: live a day at a time and as best as possible.
Hope i was not too long (after
all im only 5 feet tall 8D !). Im here for anyone that needs encouragement
(by the way forgive my bad spelling),
Nuno Mendes
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