My name is Connie Hart, I have had SD since 1986. I am currently 32 years old and have a wonderful husband and step daughter. In November of 1986 I began having sore throats and what I thought was flu symptoms. Around thanksgiving of that year my pinky and index fingers were swollen and painfull. I went to the med center and the doctor said I was retaining water and he put me on lasix. Of course that did nothing and I contiued to have the sore throats and swollen and painful fingers. After a couple of months of this i began having a rash at night with fevers of 101-102 then I would have the night sweats. The doctor I was seeing told me there was nothing wrong with me that it was in my head. I had just went thru a very stressful time before all this had started. By this time it is the summer
of 1987 with no real improvments. I now am having swollen
knees,elbows,fingers,wrists.And I cannot walk,weighing only 90 pounds and my
mother and father have to carry me down the stairs to the doctors office.I go
the an orthopedic doctor because we thought there was something wrong with the
legs he had know idea what was wrong,but he had a Intern who was from a
different country and he felt it was Rheumatoid Rheumatic Fever and I needed to
see an internist. And that is when I found Dr.Allen and was treated with
penicillen shots weekley ,of course I had all the symptoms except for the heart
murmer. I was put on steroids and asprin therapy. That did not help I
continued to get worse. Untill one day I fainted and my mother rushed me to his
office and he walked out looked at me and sent me straight to the hospital with
dehydration,fever,sore throat,severe swollen
As of now 8 knee surguries later I am walking on my own for the most part some days with the aid of a cane or crutches.My wsr is normal but I am in the beginnig of a flare which is the first since 1992. I am now also batteling Iritis of the eyes is very frustrasted to know that I have damaged my joints and bone but to know a have the eyes effected also is frustrating. But with the support of my wonderful family and the Still Group I will over come this obsticale also. Connie Hart
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