CBC or Complete Blood Count
The word hematocrit means "to separate
blood," a procedure which is followed following the blood draw through the
proper use of a centrifuge. Hematocrit is the measurement of the percentage of
red blood cells in whole blood. It is an important determinant of anemia
(decreased), polycythemia (increased), dehydration elevated), increased R.B.C.
breakdown in the spleen (elevated), or possible overhydration (elevated).
Normal Adult Female Range: 37 - 47%
Optimal Adult Female Reading: 42%
Normal Adult Male Range 40 - 54%
Optimal Adult Male Reading: 47
Normal Newborn Range: 50 - 62%
Optimal Newborn Reading: 56
Hemoglobin is the main transport of
oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. It is composed of globin a group of
amino acids that form a protein and heme which contains iron atoms and the red
pigment, porphyrin. As with Hematocrit, it is an important determinant of anemia
(decreased), dehydration (increased), polycythemia (increased), poor
diet/nutrition, or possibly a malabsorption problem.
Normal Adult Female Range: 12 - 16%
Optimal Adult Female Reading: 14
Normal Adult Male Range: 14 - 18%
Optimal Adult Male Reading: 16
Normal Newborn Range: 14 - 20%
Optimal Newborn Reading: 17
MCH (Mean Corpuscular
Hemoglobin x 10
Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) gives
the average weight of hemoglobin in the red blood cell. Due to its use of red
blood cells in its calculation, MCH is not as accurate as MCHC in its diagnosis
of severe anemia's. Decreased MCH is associated with microcytic anemia and
increased MCH is associated with macrocytic anemia.
Normal Adult Range: 27 - 33 pg
Optimal Adult Reading: 30
MCV (Mean Corpuscular Volume)
Hemoglobin x 100
This test measures the average
concentration of hemoglobin in red blood cells. It is most valuable in
evaluating therapy for anemia because Hemoglobin and Hematocrit are used, not
R.B.C. in the calculation. Low MCHC means that a unit of packed R.B.C.’s contain
less hemoglobin than normal and a high MCHC means that there is more hemoglobin
in a unit of R.B.C.’s. Increased MCHC is seen in spherocytosis, and not seen in
pernicious anemia whereas decreased levels may indicate iron deficiency, blood
loss, B6 deficiency of thalassemia.
Normal Adult Range: 32 - 36 %
Optimal Adult Reading: 34
Higher ranges are found in newborns and infants
R.B.C. (Red Blood Cell Count)
Red blood cells main function is to carry
oxygen to the tissues and to transfer carbon dioxide to the lungs. This process
is possible through the R.B.C. containing hemoglobin which combines easily with
oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Normal Adult Female Range: 3.9 - 5.2
Optimal Adult Female Reading: 4.55
Normal Adult Male Range: 4.2 - 5.6 mill/mcl
Optimal Adult Male Reading: 4.9
Lower ranges are found in Children, newborns and infants
W.B.C. (White Blood Cell Count)
White blood cells main function is to
fight infection, defend the body by phagocytosis against invasion by foreign
organisms, and to produce, or at least transport and distribute, antibodies in
the immune response. There are a number of types of leukocytes (see
differential) that are classified as follows:
Band Neutrophiles
Each cell, or leukocyte, has a different
job in the body which is explained in the Differential section.
Normal Adult Range: 3.8 - 10.8 thous/mcl
Optimal Adult Reading: 7.3
Higher ranges are found in children, newborns and infants.
Platelets (also known as thrombocytes)
are the smallest formed elements of the blood. They are vital to coagulation of
the blood to prevent excessive bleeding. Elevated levels suggest dehydration or
stimulation of the bone marrow where the cells are produced and decreased levels
may indicate an immune system failure, drug reactions, B12 or folic acid
Normal Adult Range: 130 - 400 thous/mcl
Optimal Adult Reading: 265
Higher ranges are found in children, newborns and infants.
(usually ordered along
with CBC)
Also known as Granulocytes or segmented
neutrophils, this is the main defender of the body against infection and
antigens. High levels may indicate an active infection, a low count may indicate
a compromised immune system or depressed bone marrow (low neutrophil production.
Normal Adult Range: 48 - 73%
Optimal Adult Reading: 60.5
Normal Children’s Range: 30 - 60%
Optimal Children’s Reading: 45
Lymphocytes are involved in protection of
the body from viral infections such as measles, rubella, chickenpox, or
infectious mononucleosis. Elevated levels may indicate an active viral infection
and a depressed level may indicate an exhausted immune system or if the
neutrophils are elevated an active infection.
Normal Adult Range: 18 - 48%
Optimal Adult Reading: 33
Normal Children’s Range: 25 - 50%
Optimal Children’s Reading: 37.5
These cells are helpful in fighting
severe infections and are considered the bodies second line of defense against
infection and are the largest cells in the blood stream. Elevated levels are
seen in tissue breakdown or chronic infections, carcinomas, leukemia (monocytic)
or lymphomas. Low levels are indicative of a state of health.
Normal Adult Range: 0 - 9%
Optimal Adult Reading: 4.5
Eosinophils are used by the body to
protect against allergic reactions and parasites. Therefore, elevated levels may
indicate an allergic response. A low count is normal.
Normal Adult Range: 0 - 5%
Optimal Adult Reading: 2.5
Basophilic activity is not fully
understood but it is known to carry histamine, heparin and serotonin. High
levels are found in allergic reactions, low levels are normal.
Normal Adult Range: 0 - 2%
Optimal Adult Reading: 1