Arthritis Foundation
AOSD presents with a triad of quotidian fever, evanescent rash, and
The etiology of AOSD is unknown, but circadian release cytokines accounts for
many features.
Morbidity is largely linked to chronic arthritis, which may be destructive in
20% to 25% of patients with AOSD.
Adult-Onset Still's Disease
John J. Cush, MD Chief, Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology,Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas, Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine, The University of Texas SouthWestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX
Adult-onset Still's disease (AOSD) is a
systemic inflammatory disorder of unknown cause. The clinical course is
dominated by systemic activity with exacerbations and/or chronic arthritis.
There is no diagnostic test or pathognomonic histopathology, so the diagnosis of
AOSD is often a diagnosis of exclusion.
No etiologic trigger has been proven for AOSD;
however, an infectious agent has been inferred based on symptom complex (ie,
sore throat, fever). Many of the clinical manifestations are reminiscent of
those seen during self-limited viral infections. Investigators have also
demonstrated the persistence of viral antigens, especially rubella, in
patients with juvenile arthritis and AQSD. The circadian release of
proinflammatory cytokines (especially interleukin 6) appears to account for many
features of AOSD.
AOSD has been described in nearly all
countries and races. Few (n = 13) large-series studies (>10 patients) have been
undertaken. From these series we estimate that AOSD is a relatively rare
condition and that major academic medical centers may see 1-3 new cases of AOSD
per year. In several large series of people with fever of unknown origin (FUO),
AOSD was consistently the most common rheumatic cause of FUO, ranging from 5% to
9% of all FUOs.
AOSD is typically a disease of young adults,
affecting men and women equally. Disease onset is before age 35 years in nearly
76% of patients. From a review of the medical literature it can also he
estimated that fewer than 10% of patients will have disease onset after 50 years
of age. AOSD in the elderly may be difficult to diagnose, primarily because of
comorbid conditions, a wider age-related differential diagnosis, atypical
cutaneous features, and fevers that tend to be lower.
Disease Onset
The onset of AOSD is often heralded by a sore
throat and other constitutional symptoms. A prodromal sore throat occurring days
to weeks before the onset of fever or rash is seen in more than 70% of patients.
It is typically nonexudative, lasts for several days, and is unresponsive to
antibiotics. Whether this represents a triggering mucosal infection or is a
manifestation of lymphoid activity and inflammation is unknown. Constitutional
features soon follow and may include severe myalgias or arthralgias, fatigue,
anorexia, nausea, and rapid weight loss. Weight loss is seen in 50%-60% of
patients, may be dramatic and rapid, and tends to parallel inflammatory activity
as measured by dropping hemogloin and serum albumin values.
Quotidian Fever
A quotidian fever is a once daily febrile spike
>3~C (102.20F) with intervening afebrile intervals. Nearly two-thirds of
patients will have peak temperatures greater than 400C (104) More
than 94% of patients will demonstrate a quotidian or double quotidian (twice
daily spikes) fever pattern. A minority of patients may exhibit a remittent
pattern with febrile spikes and an elevated baseline temperature. Thus one of
the more distinctive features of AOSD is the occurrence of fever at nearly the
same time every day, usually late at night or, less commonly, late morning or
afternoon. This circadian feature may be diagnostically important. Fevers are
heralded by the onset of shaking chills, followed by 24 hours of high fever
(often >4~C), and then defervescence with drenching sweats. It is also common
for fever to be accompanied by the appearance or exacerbation of rash, myalgias,
arthralgias, headache, nausea, or serositis. Quotidian fever is most prominent
during disease onset and flares of systemic activity.
Evanescent flash
The characteristic rash of AOSD has been called
the Still's rash, or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (J RA) rash, in the
literature. Rash is seen in more than 92% of patients. It is evanescent,
frequently appears during febrile attacks, lasts for hours, and tends to change
from day to day. It is typically a faint salmon-colored (infrequently
erythematous), morbilliform exanthem found on the extremities (extensor
surfaces), trunk, and neck. Koebner phenomenon, dermatographism, pruritis,
and/or urticaria are commonly seen. Involvement of the face, palms, or soles is
exceedingly rare. Cutaneous manifestations of AOSD are most prominent early in
the disease and tend to decline with time. In nearly all instances, skin
biopsies and immunofluorescent studies are nondiagnostic. Pathology of lesional
skin reveals a nonspecific chronic inflarnrnatory picture with a perivascutar
mononuclear (and seldom polymorphnuclear) infiltrate, vascular dilation, and
dermal edema.
Articular Manifestations
Arthritis is found in nearly 93% of people with
AOSD, and is usually the last feature of the triad to appear. The early clinical
picture is likely to be dominated by complaints of arthralgia, myalgia, morning
stiffness, and less commonly, synovitis. Although the arthritis may begin as
oligoarticular and migratory, it will develop into an additive polyarthritis
that will affect both small and large joints if the AOSD is persistent. Chronic
monarthritis has not been observed in AOSD and should prompt other diagnostic
considerations. The most commonly involved joints at the outset include the
knee, wrist, ankle, elbow, shoulder, proximal interphalangeal joints (PIP), and
cervical spine. If the arthritis becomes chronic (lasting longer than 6 months)
the wrists are prominently affected, with less common involvement of the tarsal,
cervical, and PIP joints. Neck pain is seen in nearly half of patients.
AOSD is associated with carpal or
carpopmetacarpal ankylosis (wrist fusion). Nearly 50% of people with systemic
JA or AOSD will develop carpal ankylosis that will become painless once fused. A
lesser tendency for ankylosis has also been noted in the tarsal joints and
cervical spine.
The risk of chronic, destructive, and
disabling polyarthritis is quite high in both systemic JA and AOSD, occurring
in 20%-25% of cases. Disability and significant joint damage may result from
early, progressive inflammatory arthritis and, later, secondary degenerative
changes. Erosive disease has the greatest impact on weight-bearing joints (hips
and knees), shoulders, and hands. Synovial biopsies have not revealed a
distinctive pathology but instead demonstrate chronic synovitis with
proliferation of the synovial lining layer and perivascular infiltration of
mononuclear cells (eg, lymphs, plasma cells).
Other Systemic Features
Lymphadenopathy (65%), splenomegaly, (42%) and
hepatomegaly (40%) are very common early in the disease and reflect tissue
infiltration with inflammatory cells and heightened immunologic activity within
the reticuloendothelial system (RES). More than 70% of patients will exhibit
some degree of liver dysfunction as demonstrated by elevation of hepatic enzymes
(eg, AST, ALT, alkaline phosphatase). Liver biopsies have demonstrated
periportal mononuclear infiltrates (lymphocytes, plasma cells) and Kupffer cell
hyperplasia. Hypoalbuminemia is often impressive and is seen in 76% of people
with AOSD. Lymphadenopathy is usually generalized and manifests as
mild-to-moderate, painless nodal enlargement. Isolated or focal lymph node
enlargement is rare and should question the diagnosis and may require lymph node
biopsy. Lymph node biopsies in AOSD patients are nondiagnostic and tend to show
reactive hyperplasia or lymphadentis. At least six cases of Kikuchi’s syndrome,
or necrotizing lymphadenitis, have been described in AOSD. Kikuchi's syndrome is
a benign disorder that is usually associated with viral infection, and may
manifest as fever, tender lymphadenopathy, hepatomegaly, leukopenia, and
elevated ESR
Pleuritis (40%) and pericarditis (30%) occur in
AOSD and may be one of the presenting complaints. Thoracentesis or
pericardiocentesis often yields exudative effusions. Although uncommon, a
worrisome manifestation of AOSD is acute pericardial tamponade. In such cases
emergent drainage and high-dose corticosteroids are indicated. Pneumonitis is
found in more than 20% and may present as bilateral alveolar and interstitial
infi1trates on radiographs. Abdominal pain has also been described in 30% of
people with AOSD and may be ascribed to several etiologies, including serous
peritonitis, mesenteric adenitis, hepatic or splenic distention, and ileus or
small bowel obstruction.
Renal involvement is not usually seen in AOSD,
although minor degrees of proteinuria may be noted during febrile episodes.
Other uncommon or rare findings in AOSD include sensorineural hearing loss,
aseptic meningitis, meningoencephalitis, orbital pseudotumor, disseminated
intravascular coagulation, hemopliagocytic syndrome, and keratoconjunctivitis
Laboratory and Radiographic Findings
Despite the systemic inflammatory features
present in AOSD, patients are uniformly seronegative for RF and ANA. Laboratory
findings in AOSD reflect the degree of inflammatory and cytokine activity
present. The majority of people with AOSD will have a neutrophilic leukocytosis,
with white blood cell counts usually ranging from 12,500 to 40,000 cells(mm3.
Leukopenia or extreme leukocytosis are rare in AOSD and should raise the
possibility of another diagnosis (eg, leukemia; lymphoma; Kikuchi's or
hemophagocytic syndrome). Nearly all patients will have marked elevations of the
acute phase reactants, including erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR),
C-reactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA), serum complement levels,
haptoglobin, and serum ferritin. It may be helpful to
note that 90% of AOSD patients have an ESR >50 mm/hr and 50% have and an
ESR >90 mm/h. Other signs of systemic inflammation during the early active
systemic stage include drop in hemoglobin and hematocrit, anemia of chronic
disease, and thrombocytosis.
Much has been made of tile potential diagnostic
utility of extreme elevations of serum ferritin. Fenitin is also an acute phase
reactant, and extreme elevations, or hyperferritineinia (>4,000 ng/ml). are
seen in fewer than 50% of patients. Extreme levels may range from 4,000 to
30,000 ng/ml, although levels as high as 250,000 ng/rnl have been reported.
Hyperferritinemia may also be seen in other conditions, including iron overload
conditions (hemochromatosis, polytransfisions), neoplasia (eg, leukemia,
lymphomas), hepatitis, pancreatitis, sepsis, other systemic inflammatory
diseases (eg, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus), and
hemophagocytic syndrome.
Other major laboratory abnormalities seen in
people with AOSD include elevation of hepatic enzymes (70%), hypoalbuminemia
(76%), and hypergammaglobulinemia (50%). Elevations of the hepatic enzymes may
show either a cholestatic or hepatocellular pattern. Hyperbilirubinemia is very
uncommon, but if present, it may indicate severe hepatic involvement and the
need for high-dose glucocorticoids. Up to one-third of patients may have an
elevated anti-streptolysin-O titer at disease onset, although throat cultures
are invariably negative. Such a finding reflects nonspecific heightened
immunologic activity during active disease.
Radiographs will reveal the distinctive pattern
of intercarpal pericapitate ankylosis will develop in nearly half of these
patients and usually manifests in the first few years of disease. There is also
a tendency for intertarsal (19%) and cervical zygapophyseal (12%) ankylosis to
occur in AOSD patients. Erosive arhritis and juxta-articular osteopenia may be
found in the minority who demonstrate a chronic arthropathy.
The differential diagnosis of AOSD is large and
has considerable overlap with
other disorders capable of causing a FUO. Nonetheless, several conditions are
often confused with AOSD and bear specific mention. Viral syndromes are the most
common cause of misdiagnosis. In such patients the viral condition seldom
persists beyond 3 months and may be confirmed by obtaining acute and
convalescent viral serologies. Viral pathogens that may behave as AOSD include
rubella, Epstein-Barr virus, mumps, cytomegalovirus, Coxackie, and adenovirus.
Acute leukemia and lymphoma may also mimic AOSD. Such patients are unlikely to
have all three features of the diagnostic triad, often have isolated lymph node
enlargement, atypical rashes, and/or hematologic abnormalities not commonly seen
in AOSD. In some instances, it may be necessary to perform lymph node or bone
marrow biopsies to distinguish these diagnoses.
Other conditions commonly confused with AOSD
include Reiter's syndrome, dermatomyositis, hemophagocytic syndrome, Kikuchi's
syndrome, or a systemic febrile onset of rheumatoid artitritis.
The diagnosis requires a comprehensive,
noninvasive evaluation; close observation (usually during hospitalization);
documentation of fever pattern, exanthem, and other systemic features; and
laboratory evidence of systemic inflammation. Table 1 lists my diagnostic
criteria. Patients can be diagnosed with AOSD if they possess all five major
criteria (at two points each) or any combination of major and minor criteria
(one point each)that yields a score of l0 points or more.
Proposed Criteria for AOSD Diagnosis
Major (two points)
Quotidian fever> 39'C
Still's (evanescent) rash
WBC> 12.0 + ESR > 40 mm/h
Negative RF and ANA
Carpal ankylosis
Minor (one point)
Onset age <35 years
Prodromal sore throat
RES involvement or abnormal LFTs
Cervical or tarsal ankylosis
Probable AOSD: 10 points with 12 weeks observation
Definite AOSD: 10 points with six months observation
The diagnosis of AOSD is probable after 3
months of clinical Ictivity and definite after 6 months of ol)servation.
Patients who present with several features
suggestive of AOSD, but eithher do not have the classic triad or do not meet
diagnostic criteria may be more common than those with AOSD itself. Some
clinicians have referred to such patients as having a forme fruste of AOSD or
incomplete AOSD. Experience with people with incomplete AOSD suggests they will
have more limited disease and a favorable outcome, especially with regard to
their joints.
Clinical Course and Prognosis
Fewer than 20% of patients will have a
self-limiting monocyclic pattern of systemic disease (eg, fever, rash,
serositis, organomegaly, etc). In this group, systemic activity will last for at
least 4-12 months.
A majority of patients demonstrate a pattern of
recurrent systemic disease (polycyclic systemic) with or without chronic
articular disease. Multiple systemic flares, may be interspersed by
disease-free intervals that may last for years. All patients should be told of
the potential for disease recurrence. There is a small risk of life-threatening
complications (ie, pericardial tamponade, liver or respiratory failure).
However, the vast majority of patients with a predominance of systemic disease
will have favorable outcomes. The infrequent causes of death reported in AOSD
are related to either iatrogenic causes from medications (eg, infections,
gastrointestinal bleeding) or to other comorbid conditions or acidents.
A substantial minority of cases (25%) will
evolve into chronic inflammatory articular disease that can be destructive and
debilitating. It has been shown that patients with a polyarticular onset and
course, hip involvement, and HLA-DR4 positivity will have the poorest outcomes.
In contrast, patients with an HLA-Bw35 haplotype are more likely to exhibit
systemic disease and a favorable outcome.
Therapy of AOSD
For many patients, NSAIDs will be the initial
choice of therapy to control both systemic and articular features. Although any
NSAID therapy at anti-inflammatory doses can be used, sustained release
indomethacin (75-150 mglday) appears to be effective in 40%~60% of patients
early in the disease. Aspirin is seldom effective and may be associated with
salicylate-induced -hepatotoxicity. Glucocorticoids are often employed, but
should be reserved for those
patients with markedly elevated hepatic enzymes, pericardial tamponade, severe
serositis, or pneumonitis and in those resistant to NSADs. High-dose prednisone
(40-60 mg/day) may be necessary to control systemic manifestations. Weekly oral
methotrexate (7.5-20 mglweek) has successfully been used to control systemic
and articular manifestations and should be used early in those with severe
-to-protracted disease to limit steroid exposure. Patients who are not
adequately controlled by NSADs, prednisone, and methotrexate appear to respond
well to the addition of a TNF inhibitor (etanercept or infliximab). Unresponsive
patients may also be treated with leflunomide, hydroxychloroquine, azathioprine,
or cyclosporine, but there is no literature to support their use in AOSD.
Chronic, progressive polyarthritis can be managed in the same manner as that
employed for rheumatoid arthritis.
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PUBLISHING STAFF: Publisher, William M. Otto; Managing Editor, Beihany Mahar; Production Artist, Susan Siracuss. |
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