J K Min, M L Cho, S Y Min, S J Kim, W U Kim, Y I Seo, Y S Hong, S H Lee, S H Park, C S Cho, H Y Kim. Seoul, Republic of Korea.

Objective: To determine the serum levels of Th1 and Th2 cytokines in patients with adult Still's disease (ASD).

Methods: We measured serum levels of Th1 cytokines (interleukin-2, interleukin-12, and interferon-g) and Th2 cytokines (interleukin-4, interleukin-10, interleukin-13) in patients with ASD (n=10) and healthy controls (n=50) by sandwich ELISA. The clinical and laboratory data were obtained when the serum samples were drawn.

Results: Systemic disease was considered active if ASD patients had more than 2 of the followings: fever39°C, rash, lymphadenopathy and/or splenomegaly, sore throat, serositis and/or interstitial pneumonitis, CRP4 mg/dl and/or ESR40 mm/hour, liver dysfunction, and ferritin1,000 ng/ml.

  IL-2 IL-12 IFN-g IL-4 IL-10 IL-13
controls(n=50) 72.0±64.5 60.3±74.3 16.8±17.1 39.3±34.9 25.6±19.5 74.9±65.7
ASD(n=10) 415.5±462.8* 312.7±531.9* 178.4±170.6* 128.2±77.9* 118.5±103.1* 385.7±295.7*
active ASD(n=6) 313.5±237.0 411.0±658.9 183.1±190.1 151.0±92.3 132.3±108.0 491.3±333.6
inactive ASD(n=4) 539.2±666.8* 165.2±277.4 171.2±164.1* 94.0±62.3* 77.0±28.6* 227.2±74.9*

* p<0.05 compared with healthy controls.
The levels of cytokines are expressed as mean ± S.D. (pg/ml)

The levels of cytokines except IL-2 in active ASD patients were elevated than in inactive ASD patients, but there was no statistical significance between two groups. The level of examined cytokines had no correlation with ESR and CRP.

Conclusion: Both Th1 and Th2 cytokines are significantly increased in patients with adult Still's disease and may contribute to the disease process.


ACR Concurrent Session: Diagnosis / Treatment of Rare Rheumatic Syndromes (2:15 PM-3:45 PM)

Presentation Date: Monday, November 15, 1999, Time: 2:15PM, Room: Room 304





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