Evaluation of serum ferritin as a marker for adult Still's disease activity.

Schwarz-Eywill M  Heilig B  Bauer H  
 Breitbart A  Pezzutto A  

In: Ann Rheum Dis (1992 May) 51(5):683-5

ISSN: 0003-4967

Extremely high serum ferritin values (greater than 10,000
 micrograms/l) were detected in two patients with adult Still's
 disease. The ferritin concentrations decreased to normal after
 adequate treatment. During a one year follow up ferritin
 concentration was helpful in monitoring disease activity and guiding
 decisions about treatment. Raised concentrations of soluble
 interleukin 2 receptors (sCD25) were also found.

Detection of  ferritin values above 3000 micrograms/l should lead to the
 consideration of Still's disease when there is an acute febrile
 illness without evidence for bacterial or viral infections, serum
 ferritin being suitable for monitoring treatment.

Registry Numbers: 9007-73-2 (Ferritin)

Institutional address:
       Department of Internal Medicine
       Med Poliklink V
       University of Heidelberg


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